Saturday, July 10, 2010

Comotivate FAIL

My COMOTIVATE.COM experiment has officially failed. No one would accept my friend requests or join my “weight loss team.” I got completely rejected! So, fine, I’ll look to other social media outlets for some inspiration.

First, to twitter. Searching for #fat produced some hilarious results. The best ones?
• “Dear god, if I can’t be skinny, please let all my friends be #fat.”
• “#Fat girls in leggings, #NotMyThing.”
• “Poutine, so worth being #fat for.”
Okay, so not the most serious tweets. How about #fitness?
• “Fat fitness instructors are brutal, not motivated to look like you!#fitness#weightloss”
• “Workin’ out be for #virgins #fitness.” . . . ?

No luck. One thing I have found useful about social media is reviews of gyms and fitness programs. Chat rooms are full of “Extreme Fitness ripped me off” and “The Turbo Jam program really works!” The two pics below are from BlogTO’s article about Extreme fitness. The second photo is all the comments on the gym, there are 419 comments!

Google any fitness product and many of the top results will be answers generated by consumers of their personal opinion of the product, and they are quite useful. They will let you know which gyms have smelly yoga rooms, and which brand of medicine balls are cheapest.

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